Get started

You won’t regret it!

Getting started with mountain climbing may seem intimidating, but with Julia's expert guidance you'll be up the summit faster than you could have ever expected. Learn all the skills and confidence needed to tackle the most daunting situations with ease. Pretty soon, a trip up to the mountains will be the best part of your week!

Follow your dreams

You won’t regret it!

The path to becoming an expert mountaineer and cliffhanger takes dedication and time, but if you put your mind to it, you'll have no problem becoming one of the best. What are you waiting for?


  • 1

    Day 1: Course Intro, Planning Your Website (What is a Website? What is the Internet?)

    • Lesson Outline

    • What are Websites Anyway?

    • Planning your Website -- Overview

    • Site Planning: WHY (Why and CTA)

    • Site Planning: WHAT

    • Site Planning: How (Sitemapping and Wireframing)

    • Homework

    • Misc Content

    • Building Websites: Day 1 Recording

  • 2

    Day 2: What is Wordpress? What are servers, domains, and hosting?

    • Lesson Outline

    • What is Wordpress?

    • Domains, Servers, and Hosting

    • Homework

    • Building Websites: Day 2 Recording

  • 3

    Day 3: Wordpress: CPanel, Theme Selection, Dashboard Navigation

    • Lesson Outline

    • Navigating the cPanel

    • Navigating the Wordpress Dashboard

    • Theme Selection

    • Homework

    • Good Theme Selection Checklist

    • Building Websites: Day 3 Recording

  • 4

    Day 4: Website Progress

    • Lesson Outline

    • Homework

    • Building Websites: Day 4 Recording

  • 5

    Day 5: HTML and CSS

    • Lesson Outline

    • Why learn HTML and CSS?

    • Development Tools

    • HTML - Page Structure

    • CSS - Page Styling

    • Homework

    • Building Websites: Day 5 Recording

    • Adding HTML and CSS to your WordPress site

  • 6

    Day 6: Building your Freelance Business -- Part 1

    • Lesson Outline

    • Preparing to Freelance

    • Finding Clients

    • Pricing

  • 7

    Day 7: Building your Freelance Business -- Part 2 (The Client Process)

    • Lesson Outline

    • The Client Process - The Consultation Meeting

    • The Client Process - Research

    • The Client Process - Finalized Scope Meeting

    • The Client Process - Getting Started on the Project

    • Keeping the Client Informed -- Iterations

    • Delivery of the Website -- Invoices and Retainers

  • 8

    Day 8: Building your Freelance Business -- Part 3 and Conclusion to Course

    • Lesson Outline

    • Website Maintenance

    • When things fall apart -- firing a client

    • Taxes

    • Business Setup

    • Breakout Sessions Instruction

  • 9

    Using Some Code to Customize Your Theme

    • HTML & CSS Crash Course - Part 1

    • HTML & CSS Crash Course - Part 2

    • Time to Practice CSS!

About Your Instructor

Instructor Title

jared rhodes

This is the instructor section. You can use this space to tell and show your students who you are and why you're the perfect person to teach the course you're offering. You can talk about your work and education history, and really anything else that shows off who you are so your students get excited about learning from you. You're the expert after all, this is your chance to shine!


Include a list of items to support the central theme of your page. Bulleted lists are a great way to parse information into digestible pieces.

  • Rope Management

  • Cleaning Equipment

  • Common Mistakes

  • The Best Ways to Start

  • Emergency Procedures

  • How to Climb



Cathy Wilson

This was the best course I've ever taken in my entire life.

NYT Bestselling Author

Manuel Werson

This is the only resource to level up my climbing game!

Classy Dame

Sidra Bathar

If you need a challenge, this is the course for you!



Featured in

Bonus Material

Include additional content to your course curriculum to provide further value to your students.

  • eBook

    Climbing 101

    $39 value

    All about how you can climb the tallest mountains in just over 3 months. A very popular eBook!

  • Free

    Advanced Support

    $100 value

    Get in touch with me on a weekly basis to go over how you're learning is progressing!

  • Forums

    Community Discussions

    Amazing Value!

    Join our climbing community and grow everyday through real interaction with fellow students!

Check these out

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