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    Intro to HTML/CSS

    • Instructions for Prerequisite Assignments

    • Udacity: Intro to HTML and CSS

    • CSS Diner

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    Setting up your Computer to begin Coding

    • Install VS Code

    • (Windows Only) Install git Bash

    • (Windows Only) Install Node

    • (Windows Only) Set default VS Code terminal

    • (OSX and Linux Only) Install NVM and Node

    • Setup a folder for WTA Projects

    • Install WTA exercises

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    Week 0: Intro to responsive websites

    • Week 0 Intro

    • Text Editors and How To Use Them

    • Project: Make a Personal Website

    • Flexbox Froggy

    • Signup for Udacity: Responsive Web Design Fundamentals (RWDA)

    • RWDA #1: Why Responsive?

    • RWDA #2: Starting Small

    • RWDA #3: Building Up

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    Intro to our Program

    • Get to Know Slack - Our Class Forum & Messaging Tool

    • Where to go to get your questions answered